YNPN works to enhance the vibrancy of the Chicago nonprofit community, and condemns systemic racism and oppression. We must all work towards an anti-racist future, addressing the systemic issues and internalized racism that are inside us and surround us. As one part of this, we want to share the organizations doing this work in Chicago, and uplift their powerful and vital missions.
This sheet, started by Charles Preston and expanded by AirGo, includes many organizations doing the work as well as several resources for assistance.
Parent Tip Tool: Racial Stress and Self Care
Consumer Resource Tool: Protecting your Health
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training
#LetUsBreathe Collective, #BreathingRoom space
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Organized Communities Against Deportations
This list is just a beginning, please submit other organizations we should include via this form (question #3).